To Melancholy

I stand poised without gills, Keep your light from my sorrowful sight, The nutrient in misery feeds me whole, It...
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To internal suffering, the great Boa

Coil around me, From cuticle to follicle, Constrict me to that point, Where my vessels near excrete my mere survival,...
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Toast (purpose, embrace me)

Dear life, Will we ever have those mornings? You and I, of burnt toast, You and I, Of underdone toast,...
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STARS (hope)

Stars A chandelier of hopes, So far out of reach, Like the shooting star, most insufferable, You dart toward me,...
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Pandora has Opened the Box

It is said it started somewhere in the Orient, in a small, inconspicuous, town. It soon swept throughout the lands...
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Don’t Cry Mummy

It’s so cold, it’s so cold, Mummy I’m cold. It’s so cold, it’s so cold, Mummy I’m cold. It’s so...
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